At this stage to remove ceramic tile, it will gather dust in order to remove what I did the first time all he could so do not clean when I was done. Even if I did not want to reuse the card, I wanted to be careful because I have to insert the card Freecycle or Craigslist, so it could be anyone else able to use them. The only instrument I used an old flat-head screwdriver, hammer and a knife.
I would say that the tiles that are offset from the wallabout 1 / 2 "with a mix of mortar. The way in which Malta is on the wall is a wire that is attached to the wall with brackets and nails. I started taking the pearl of the caulking around the top Make sure that the tile cut deep into the drywall. Now the first card is turned off is the most important thing that you must be very careful about that. I just started the screwdriver behind the tiles and felt a bit 'at a time tiles have been able to remove without damaging the wall or tile nextit. From this point, it becomes easier. I worked a straight line to the ground and then made my way across the room.
Since, as we are still using the bathroom I had to work a couple of things. The first was the toilet. The tank of the toilet was very close to the tile tiles made it difficult to get around him. The next step was the vanity. I should tell you that when they built this house, custom vanities and all that first put the card so there is noassign things to be cut. I would say that when I use the mirror must be very careful because the mirror on top of the plate had rested. Now I am the kind of guy, if something can go wrong when it is probable. I was lucky not to that part and reflection.
Another nice thing about all the work alone, I get to see how things are built. I am a project engineer for a manufacturing company, and I'm always trying to be built, how things work. Ok, betterreturn to work of the tiles. Now I'm told that the card was about 1 / 2 "from the wall with a mortar mix. When I saw the door was the way in which Malta has been from both sides have built a piece of plywood and used liquid nails to hold the tiles to say. unnecessarily, I could not be saved one of the boxes that have been glued to the wood. Then I found an area that the tile was glued to the drywall. I have to replace some walls Dry hours. Fortunately it was the end to remove theTiles.
I piled all the good bricks in a box and threw it all wrong. Swept away all the debris and return everything in its place. As I said earlier, are the tiles on the Freecycle list, as they can in good condition and, hopefully, someone else to use them instead of going to landfill bin. When I converted I kept looking for ways to recycle that I threw them to fill in a country that is already overburdened,.
In the next articleI plan to mix the mortar and removing the wire that was attached to the wall.
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